Content is one of the most important aspects of a functioning website. When creating it, you should stick to specific rules and recommendations that can bring more traffic to your website. What are the aspects and practices to keep in mind while creating content?

What do you want to tell your customers?

Before creating specific texts, it is essential to answer this question. The website’s purpose is one of the fundamental pillars you should build. Ensure you are clear about the website’s purpose; what do you expect from it?

Tip: In one sentence, clearly articulate your main goal. You won’t write off-topic and lose the thread. Your texts will be aligned with a unified goal.

Define your target audience and communication style.

Knowing your target audience and defining your communication style is a step forward. Who are your potential customers? Do you want your customers to bark or howl? Do you want to appear formal or more relaxed? Personalize your communication on your website too. 

Define a clear communication style and stick to it in your texts on the web and wherever you communicate with your target group. With the right communication style, you can reach potential customers immediately.

Tip: Identify your target group. Do your research and define your buyer personas; personas can help you. It will be easier for you to create a communication style.

Define your target group and communication style.

Knowing your target group and defining your communication style is the first step. Who are your potential customers? Do you want your customers to pee or poop? Do you want to appear formal or more relaxed? 

Personalize your communication on your website too. Define a clear communication style and stick to it in your texts on the web and wherever you communicate with your target group. With the right communication style, you can reach potential customers immediately.

Tip: Identify your target group. Do your research and define your buyer personas; personas can help you. It will be easier for you to create a communication style.

The web also needs cleaning up.

There’s nothing worse than a website a customer can’t navigate. Let your website breathe, and don’t clutter it with unnecessary sections and piles of text. Plan its structure, and define the main pages, areas, and topics that matter. This will help you in both content creation and overall targeting of your customer. 

Tip: Visualise your website: outline the sections and the overall structure of your website. This plan will help you organize your content logically. Take inspiration from your competitors and pick out the flies.

Pay attention to keywords.

Optimizing your text for keywords will make your website more attractive to search engines (especially Google in our country). Such optimized text will help you to appear higher in search results and thus become more attractive to customers. Analyze keywords relevant to your content and use them in your texts.

Tip: If you need to learn what keyword analysis is, check out the article Keyword Analysis, which explains the topic in more detail.

A keyword analysis is explained in more detail below.

In today’s fast-paced world, no one reads long monologues on the web anymore. Your potential customers need information quickly and clearly. Don’t write lengthy texts that people will read anyway. Try to write engagingly and concisely, and use short paragraphs. The website will become more attractive. Your customers will save a lot of time, and, after all, so will you.

Tip: For a better copy, read the advice from our copywriters in our article on How to write quality articles.

The web is a feast for the eyes.

Don’t judge a book by its cover doesn’t apply in this case. Enhance your website with paragraphs, visuals, infographics, or videos. Visuals break up the text and make the web more engaging. Use relevant, optimized, and high-quality visuals for web loading speed.

Tip: Divide the text into shorter paragraphs and use subheadings. Highlight key points in bold or italics.

Tell customers what you expect from them with a suitable CTA. 

Direct potential customers to the desired action with a CTA. Use an attractive call to action to guide them to the desired action. A suitable call to action to take the next step, whether purchasing or subscribing to a newsletter, will ensure you fulfill the conversion.

Tip: Pay attention to CTA elements for products on the web.

Grammar, grammar, grammar.

A recurring stumbling block. While it’s common knowledge that grammar is a given, even a master carpenter gets it wrong. Therefore, check your texts before they see the light of day.

Tip 1: Use grammar tools to edit your text, for example, Grammarly for English.

Tip 2: If you need help with the grammatical correctness of a word, check it on the website of the Institute of Linguistics.

Tip 3: Leave at least a day between writing and checking the text.

Tip 4: Give the text to someone else who still needs to write the text to check.