Finding unique and free photographs can be a real challenge. You must rely on free photo banks if you don’t have an extensive collection of images or graphics. However, the problem is that most of the pictures you find there look like this:

Fortunately, you don’t have to settle for such photos. We have compiled a list of 10 free photo banks that are true hidden treasures, where you can discover high-quality images that stand out and give your content a unique flair.

StockSnap – a rich selection of original images

At StockSnap, you will find a vast selection of high-quality images for free, and you don’t have to provide attribution. The photos on StockSnap are licensed under CC0 (Creative Commons Zero), giving you complete freedom to use them. The website aims to create a community of photographers who want to share their artistic works.

Hundreds of new images are added here every week, so you can constantly discover something new and original. You can browse them by upload date and number of views to find exactly what you need. Additionally, you’ll find a stream of trending photos, giving you immediate access to the most popular images on the site.

Kaboompics – minimalist, stylish images

Kaboompics is a free photo bank created by a Polish web designer who dedicates her free time to photography. Thanks to her work, she understands the importance of images on a website, and that’s why her platform offers all kinds of free pictures for use in any digital media (web, blog, social networks).

In Kaboompics, you can find many photographs, such as landscapes, interiors, food, and people. Just browse hundreds of images and find the one best fits your vision.

PicJumbo – photos suitable for Stories too

PicJumbo offers many free images for any use without registration. 

Browse through the collections and choose the image that suits you.

And if you want to stay updated on new free images, you can subscribe to their newsletter and receive regular updates directly to your email inbox.

And the best part – you can find vertical photos here that you can use for Instagram Stories. 🙂

Unsplash – a photo bank full of beautiful landscapes

Unsplash is another great source of artistic images that you can freely use for your blogs and digital projects. The photos are easily accessible through the search bar. While you might only find some types of photographs here, you’ll be delighted with the quality of the collection. The photo bank is primarily known for its beautiful nature and landscape shots from various countries.

You can also subscribe to receive 10 new images every 10 days, delivered directly to your email.

Shopify Burst – a photo bank primarily for e-commerce and merchants

Shopify Burst is a free website with high-resolution images mainly targeted at entrepreneurs. Its clear and modern design makes searching for ideas fast and straightforward.

The most significant advantage of Shopify Burst for e-commerce entrepreneurs is its Business Ideas section. In this section, you can browse categories of images tailored to specific e-commerce stores, such as photos for a yoga e-shop or pictures for a coffee-selling e-shop.

Vecteezy – high-quality images in various resolutions

Vecteezy is a hot new addition to the market. It offers an excellent combination of modern features and high-quality photos. You can find exactly what you’re looking for with an extensive library of photographs and a convenient “trends” panel below the search bar.

One of the most exciting features is the ability to filter results by color. Vecteezy also offers high-quality vector images in various resolutions, which look great even on 4K screens.

Gratisography – an original creative photo bank

Gratisography isn’t about thousands of images but rather the weirdest and most unique images on the web. Here, you’ll find fresh and fun pictures you wouldn’t typically find elsewhere, like a sloth drinking coffee or an alarm clock on the moon.

The website is simple, lively, and colorful. The resolutions are high quality, but the photos are available only in one size. However, if you’re looking for images with a touch of humor, Gratisography is undoubtedly the right choice.

Reshot – high-quality photos and icons for UX designers

Reshot is a new resource for UX designers looking for free visual assets.

You’ll find thousands of images on the website that you can use freely. You can choose to browse through collections of icons, illustrations, or photographs. You can also use the search panel and narrow down results by media type and orientation.

If you like an illustration, you can download it in vector format or PNG, while icons are available in SVG format. And if you want to edit or add these images to your projects, Reshot allows easy file downloading directly into Figma.

PikWizard – a photo bank full of people

PikWizard features thousands of free photographs on various themes. The quality is terrific, and what makes this photo bank particularly interesting is that you’ll find many natural photos of people – no artificial poses or kitsch. However, the cityscape photographs and panoramas are also stunning.

Another unique feature is that the website has an integrated image editor, allowing you to make minor adjustments to each image before downloading it for free.

Negative Space – original photos from budding photographers

The final inspiration is the photo bank Negative Space, where you’ll find pictures from aspiring photographers. Negative Space is based in the UK, meaning most photos are set in British surroundings.

You’ll discover a multitude of original and naturally appealing photographs. Like Unsplash, you can subscribe to their newsletter to receive updates when new images are added.

Which photo bank will you try first?

So, which of the mentioned photo banks caught your attention the most? We wish you the best of luck in revitalizing the content on your websites.

Be bold and draw content from lesser-known sources. Try out each photo bank and explore the new possibilities they offer.