Trends on social media are a reflection of the new interests and attitudes of their users. Keeping up with these changing trends involves constantly anticipating and monitoring the latest topics gaining viral popularity. Discover the latest trends of 2024 with us.

Short videos

In recent years, short videos have become very popular. Their main advantages are their short length and simplicity. Equally important is their rise on platforms like TikTok, which makes them even more accessible and in demand.

In 2024, the popularity of short videos continues. The format will remain prominent on social media and become vital for increasing audience interaction. Short videos will grab attention and keep users interested, which is invaluable in an ever-changing digital environment.

Social networks as search engines

Today, social networks are gradually becoming the primary source of information for many people, and we expect this trend to intensify in 2024. 

People, especially the younger generation, often turn to social networks with questions about what products to use, where to eat, or what clothes to choose, even before they googled for this information.

This mentioned shift in using social networks as a search tool brings new marketing and content optimization opportunities. Last year, the world’s top search engine, Google, announced that approximately 40% of Gen Z is using TikTok and Instagram platforms for search instead of Google.

Photo of soups from Instagram


Using Threads

The ‘people follow people’ narrative remains relevant in 2024, with influencers continuing to dominate digital trends. However, the definition of “influencer” is gradually changing. Studies show that nano influencers, social media accounts with 1,000 to 10,000 followers, generate more than double the engagement of macro influencers.

This trend is particularly evident in industries such as beauty, fashion, and wellness, where consumer brands use nano influencers, often charging them lower prices.

While macro-influencers may still be necessary for large retail chains because they provide broader reach and increase brand awareness, for companies targeting more targeted audiences, nano-influencers may be the key players in 2024, driving greater engagement.

The transition to nano influencers

The ‘people follow people’ narrative remains relevant in 2024, with influencers continuing to dominate digital trends. However, the definition of “influencer” is gradually changing. Studies show that nano influencers, social media accounts with 1,000 to 10,000 followers, generate more than double the engagement of macro influencers.

This trend is particularly evident in industries such as beauty, fashion, and wellness, where consumer brands use nano influencers, often charging them lower prices.

While macro-influencers may still be necessary for large retail chains because they provide broader reach and increase brand awareness, for companies targeting more targeted audiences, nano-influencers may be the key players in 2024, driving greater engagement.

Increased interest in YouTube marketing, particularly through YouTube Shorts videos

Although TikTok and ChatGPT are hugely popular in marketing, YouTube has a more significant impact in many ways. YouTube is not only a vast video-focused platform, but it is also the second-largest search engine in the world. So not only does the platform rank as a social media platform, but it is also frequently used as a search tool, which is critical for marketers.

According to the Pew Research Center, up to 95% of teens aged 13 to 17 use YouTube more than on any other social platform. In contrast, TikTok and Instagram are used by 66% and 62% of this age group, respectively. In addition, 19% of teens say they use YouTube “almost constantly.”

When it comes to content, YouTube Shorts are a big trend. At the beginning of the year, Google announced that short videos on YouTube reach more than 50 billion views per day. While that’s less than the 200 billion daily views of videos on Meta Reels, the growth of YouTube Shorts is still significant.

Due to concerns around data protection and TikTok regulations, many marketers will continue to focus on creating short videos on YouTube Shorts and Meta Reels.

Preview of videos from YouTube Shorts.


More authenticity

Recently, there has been a significant shift in the type of content users share on social media sites like TikTok and Instagram. Users of these platforms are emphasizing the authenticity of their posts.

On Instagram, for example, there has been a widespread trend of ‘photo dumps,’ where users share a series of less edited and more realistic images. On TikTok, on the other hand, many influencers use their platforms to share authentic and unedited stories about issues such as parenting, mental illness, etc.

Focusing on maximum authenticity will be an advantage for business owners and content creators in the coming years. It’s essential to look for ways to authentically present your brand to your audience and avoid overly sales posts.

Authentic content on Instagram


Creating shareable content

One of the key trends in social media will be creating attractive content that users want to share. For your business to grow and reach new people, you need your followers to share your content with others.

An example would be sharing memes and humorous posts related to your brand. This type of content encourages other users to share your posts on their profiles, opening up the opportunity to reach their followers. This approach helps businesses gain followers, increase audience engagement, and create new business opportunities. 

In 2024, businesses will need to focus on creating content that attracts and engages potential customers.

Meme with a dog.


Building community

When companies build their social media presence, they focus primarily on gaining followers. While building followers is a good start, there is a new trend coming in 2024: community building.

In today’s business environment, it’s not enough for people to be an anonymous number in a company’s database. They are looking for value and connection, a sense of being part of something bigger. 

Creating a sense of community can be essential for businesses as it strengthens the bond between customers and the brand. This connection increases customer loyalty and keeps potential customers in constant contact with your company, fostering ongoing interest and engagement.

Subtitles for videos 

Videos with subtitles are beneficial to a wide range of viewers. Subtitles not only help people with hearing impairments but are also helpful in situations where it is impossible to turn on the sound, such as in noisy environments or public places. Subtitles, therefore, increase the accessibility of content.
