ChatGPT has caused a big stir, especially among marketers and journalists. It has raised many questions and brought great expectations. In this article, you will learn how ChatGPT works, its advantages and limitations, and how to properly task it to get the best possible answers.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence that OpenAI developed to generate answers to questions.

It is one of the most powerful chatbots ever developed. This is because it uses a technology called Generative Topic Picking (GPT), which allows it to process and generate texts.

Čo je to ChatGPT

How ChatGPT works

ChatGPT works through information processing using machine learning and language processing algorithms. Its primary function is to generate answers to user questions afterward. 

Specifically, when processing information, ChatGPT first parses the input text (e.g., a question) using neural networks based on GPT architecture. These networks are trained on a large amount of data and sources such as books, articles, newspapers, etc. This training or data analysis is crucial for ChatGPT, as it determines not only the quality of the answers but also the grammar and the correct use and choice of words.

Thus, ChatGPT uses algorithms to correctly evaluate the question and generate the answer when processing the input text. ChatGPT can also analyze the context to provide even better solutions. For example, a piece of information or a time record is mentioned during a conversation with ChatGPT. In that case, the system remembers it and generates its answer according to the previous discussion.

ChatGPT-3 vs ChatGPT-4

ChatGPT, until recently, ran on the ChatGPT-3 language module but is now running on the new ChatGPT-4 model. OpenAI has developed both.

The main difference between the two versions lies in the number of parameters these models have. ChatGPT-4 has many more of them than ChatGPT-3, which means it has more capacity and can better handle more complex language tasks.

Specifically, ChatGPT-4 has 1.6 trillion parameters, almost four times the number of parameters compared to ChatGPT-3, which has “only” 175 million. This allows ChatGPT-4 to produce even more accurate and creative answers to various queries and tasks, such as translating and creating new texts or interacting with users in chat applications.

However, it is essential to emphasize that both models are compelling and efficient in solving language tasks. However, ChatGPT-4 is more challenging and expensive than ChatGPT-3, which already represents one of the most advanced language models available.

ChatGPT restrictions

ChatGPT is a tool that generates a large number of sentences and opinions. Because of this, it is blocked within some controversial topics, so it will not answer your question directly.

For example, some topics are banned for legal reasons. Examples include debates and answers on terrorism or the production of prohibited substances. ChatGPT can thus in no way participate in illegal activities.

Likewise, ChatGPT cannot comment on topics that may be inappropriate or unethical. For example, discussing sexual abuse or other illegal or immoral activities could be traumatic for the user.

In addition, some topics could be more controversial or complex to handle by the tool adequately. For example, a discussion of politics or religion can be difficult and contentious due to the plurality of opinions. Also, topics that are too specific and unfamiliar to most people may be complex for ChatGPT to handle.

ChatGPT is also informationally limited precisely because of the completed training or learning process. Its activity was completed in 2021; thus, its knowledge is limited by ability up to that year.

Cryptographic character

ChatGPT also integrates a cryptographic mark to prevent the uncontrolled passing off of ChatGPT articles as its own or to mark an AI-generated article. Specifically, it involves implementing complicated code directly into the generated text with precise rules. This cryptographic feature works on an algorithm that uses the text’s characters in a particular order or regularity.

For example, GPTZero tries to detect AI-generated content, but testing has shown that even this tool can only see AI-written content with errors.

OpenAI also has its own AI Text Classifier tool. Still, it does not give a percentage guess for AI-generated content but a probability of whether it is AI-generated. For the device to guess this, the text must be at least 1000 characters long.

ChatGPT pricing

ChatGPT is still free for now but with reduced performance. If you want guaranteed server access even during peak times, you must pay for the paid premium package ChatGPT Plus.

The paid version of ChatGPT Plus costs $20 per month:

ChatGPT cenník

There are four different language models within ChatGPT, each with other performance, so you can use them for more complex tasks:

Four different language models in ChatGPT:

4 jyzkové modely,ktorými disponuje ChatGPT

How to enter tasks into ChatGPT

Entering questions and tasks into ChatGPT works by typing text into the input field of the chat interface. ChatGPT will then use its ability to understand and model the context in the text to understand your question or task and generate an answer.

If you want ChatGPT to answer your question as accurately as possible, there are a few tips that can help:

  • Phrase the question or task – ChatGPT is more likely to give you a more accurate answer if your question is straightforward. Try to phrase your question as precisely as possible and use explicit language.
  • Provide sufficient information – if you provide ChatGPT with more details about your question or task, it will have more information to process and can provide a better answer. Try to supply relevant information that relates to your question or task.
  • Try different wording – if the ChatGPT’s first response is not precise enough, try asking the question or phrasing the task in other ways. This can help ChatGPT better understand your question or task and provide a more accurate answer.

However, it is essential to remember that ChatGPT is imperfect and may be prone to occasional errors. While it can provide helpful information and answers, you should constantly evaluate its answers critically and use other sources of information to verify their accuracy.

To clarify, you may still get a satisfactory answer even if you don’t ask the question specifically or ask very generally. However, you can ask for this additional information during the conversation by giving a ChatGPT command to complete the answer with the given directions.

ChatGPT can do this by sensing the context within the conversation. Thus, it knows what you asked in previous questions and what you answered. It can also edit the text into the stylistics you require, so, for example, you can tell ChatGPT to revise a written article or text into a cheerful, funny, or sad form.

Learning by interacting

ChatGPT learns by conversing with users through a machine-learning training process. This means you can explain what you are asking for in multiple messages and refine each request as part of the conversation. If you are not satisfied with his response, you can give him your comments and ask for a new reply, during which he will summarize all the information you have discussed so far.

Example task for ChatGPT

Below is an example of a complex task for ChatGPT, in which we let chat describe itself in several ways:

To start with, we use a simple assignment without any refinements. Below we see that ChatGPT has written five paragraphs that may or may not reflect the idea that the assignor had:

GPT assignement

In this case, ChatGPT included its basic description, advantages, disadvantages, and its usage in the answer. These are primarily general.

If we wanted a text with specific information, such as including a particular issue, comparisons with another program, use in practice in a particular profession, or have the text written in a specific writing style, we would need to include that in the assignment.

In the example below, we have modified the assignment:

How gpt works

If you want to play with the assignments and give an exact assignment, you will get an answer that even a copywriter would sometimes be ashamed of. In our last example, we wrote a particular assignment in which we gave the scope of the article, the specific information we wanted it to contain and specify, and in which paragraph it should be. In addition, the chat was also given a particular style of writing.

Below you can see what such an assignment looks like with ChatGPT’s response:

GPT Assignement

Assignment for AI (Artificial Intelligence)

You can see the answer below and possibly compare it with the previous example:

Article by GPT

Working with ChatGPT

You can also use ChatGPT outside the website, e.g., in Google Sheets or search engines. Alternatively, if you need more sophisticated answers, you can also use GPT Playground for your work, which we’ll discuss below.

GPT Playground

GPT Playground is an online tool that allows users to experiment with the GPT-4 AI model in the chat area. This tool was developed equally by OpenAI and will enable users to ask a question or start a conversation with the GPT-4 model. The model then answers the question to provide the user with the most accurate and relevant answer, which the user can further develop or modify as the conversation continues.

The main difference between Playground and the classic ChatGPT tools is that ChatGPT is used for answering questions and generating text. In contrast, Playground is used for interactive experimentation with machine learning models. 

In practice, this means that ChatGPT can generate text and answer more “human-like” and conversationally, while GPT Playground is built to experiment with potential. You can specify which language model you want to use and test it on complex outputs.

In addition, GPT Playground Chat allows users to choose a GPT-4 model with different sizes. The most powerful version of GPT-4 even evaluates up to 175 billion parameters. Users can also choose a conversation topic and customize the model’s response based on the input.

The uses of Chat GPT Playground are wide-ranging. It can be helpful for developers and designers developing chatbots or virtual assistants, as they can experiment with different models and better understand how the model works and what responses it can provide.

In addition, Chat GPT Playground can also be helpful for researchers working in areas such as natural language processing, machine learning, or artificial intelligence. This tool can help researchers test and evaluate new algorithms and technologies.

The GPT Playground chat is freely available to anyone with an OpenAI account. Users can access the tool through a web browser and experiment with the GPT-4 model.

GPT Playground example

As you can see in the picture, you can set up things other than the model in Playground. So, for example, the maximum length of the content or the temperature. Temperature is the name given to the theme’s adherence. The higher you set the parameter, the more the AI will stray from the central theme and expand on other ideas.

If you want to use AI for creative tasks, we recommend setting the “temperature” higher to a level between 0.7 – 0.9. However, if you need the AI to stick to the topic and not deviate, you must lower the “temperature” instead.

Google Sheets

ChatGPT can also be used to work directly in Google Sheets if needed. In Google Chrome, you can download an add-on that you can use for integration. You can find it at the link ChatGPT in Google Sheets™ and Docs™.

You can enter tasks for ChatGPT by text in another cell through this add-on. Then ChatGPT will generate a response in the cell you entered.

You use ChatGPT in Google Sheets via the =GPT() formula. However, you need a paid version of ChatGPT to use this option.

ChatGPT in google sheets

For specific instructions on how to link ChatGPT to your Google Sheets, check out this video.


You can also integrate ChatGPT into the Google search engine via the ChatGPT for Google extension. With the integration, Google will give you search results and a specific answer from ChatGPT.

ChatGPT extension to Google search

In this case, you don’t need to set anything up. As soon as you activate it in Google Chrome, you have a pre-configured application in which you can change the lighting or the preferred language of the answer.

ChatGPT in practice

In practice, ChatGPT can be used in many industries:

  • Marketing
    • ChatGPT can be used to automate processes or streamline activities. It can be used to create articles or product descriptions, to generate keywords and sort them, to create personalized messages, recommendations, etc.
  • Education
    • ChatGPT can be a virtual tutor for students to answer questions and help them learn new things.
    • It can also help professors, for whom it can prepare a lesson structure or prepare tests for students.
  • Legal services
    • ChatGPT can provide legal information and answers to questions about the law. However, it should be noted that this is only basic legal help, not comprehensive analysis or opinions.
  • Programming
    • ChatGPT is proficient in most programming languages to the extent that it can produce code in it or, gradually, through increasingly specific task completion, produce the desired code. For example, a concrete example of how ChatGPT handles programming can be seen in this video.
  • Journalism
    • Journalists can use ChatGPT to structure articles, write them themselves, or look for grammatical errors in texts.
  • Customer support
    • A chatbot with the proper training can be an excellent tool for the customer support function on websites and in online stores. It can answer most questions about an order or goods. However, for complex and complicated questions, a chatbot can call a human for help.

Alternatives to ChatGPT

Microsoft has invested $10 billion in OpenAI and integrated artificial intelligence into its Bing search engine. However, ChatGPT is not the only AI chat in the world.

Google’s Bardo failure

Google, on the other hand, created its own AI chat, which it named Bard. The latter became famous during its public introduction when it answered a live question incorrectly, resulting in a massive loss of value for the parent company, Alphabet. Specifically, the company lost over $100 billion of its value.

Ernie from Baidu

Chinese tech giant Baidu has announced plans to integrate its AI chatbot Ernie into its search services in March, although more is needed to know about its capabilities.

How will Amazon, Facebook, and Apple respond?

The reaction of giants such as Amazon, Facebook, and Apple remains questionable, as they may shuffle the playing field if they unexpectedly release their version of ChatGPT.


ChatGPT can be very beneficial for several companies and their departments. It can be used in various companies ranging from marketing agencies to news portals to different websites, where it can be implemented as a chatbot or virtual assistant.

