We have had another successful year, our 14th. How was agency life? Let’s take a look back at what we’ve experienced together, where we’ve moved on, and what our plans are for 2024!

We have won new awards and are preparing applications

Last year was one of the best for us in terms of awards. Not only did we win awards in Slovakia but also on the European stage: the European Content Awards, the European Search Awards, and the Digital PIE Awards – we have expanded our shelf of awards with new trophies again and again.

We are delighted with these awards because they show the quality of our work and the results we deliver to our clients.

In total, we have won the following awards:

  • 2x Bronze Digital PIE
  • 5x shortlist Digital PIE
  • 1x win and 2x shortlists European Content Awards
  • 5x shortlist European Search Awards

In addition, we managed to be 3rd. Best Performance Agency on the market, and in the overall Digital Agency of the Year ranking, we came in a great 4th place.

In the new year, we have already converted 6 out of 6 entries into European Content Awards shortlists, and we are currently preparing for Digital PIE. We’ll see what the next few months bring.

We’ve been working on some exciting clients

We didn’t slack off and worked hard on client assignments and projects. In addition to regular consultations, we completed a few one-off assignments.

Take a look at the examples of campaigns:

Hormann Slovakia

You can also check out the case study: Hörmann: Dvere, ktoré vás ochránia od sveta tam vonku.




Nie Rakovine

We have also acquired several new clients for whom we will be providing both comprehensive and partial marketing services. New clients in the past year include:

  • Lucron
  • Europapier
  • Zeppelin
  • RTVS
  • Knauf Bratislava
  • Imet Ake
  • Bike up

Big move to the new office

We had a big company move the last week of May. After a year of planning, we opened our brand new offices in CBC 4 on June 1.

And we love it here: we have more rooms for phone calls, a nice chill with a kitchenette, and a foosball table where we organize Marketing Brunches and our celebrations; we have comfortable meeting rooms and specialty coffee around every corner.

Haven’t you come to us? Come and visit us!

Visibility Offices on Karadžičova

We have new team leaders

We have strengthened our corporate structure and created new positions. Now, team leaders also take care of our teams.

We are committed to ensuring that our deliverables for our clients are tip-top and that we can consistently deliver the best possible quality. We can achieve this by continuously developing our teams and our people in the teams, which our new team leaders will help us to do:

  • Jaro Uram – Head of SEO
  • Adam Halagan – Head of PPC
  • Oli Minčičová – Head of Social
  • Pal Pushkash – Head of Project Management

Gathering v Bukurest

As part of the Community International marketing network, we organized a community gathering two years ago in Bratislava. Last May, we traveled to Romania for the gathering, which was great.

We had enjoyable meetings, worked on client assignments, and enjoyed a light and music fountain show.

This year we have a meeting in Brussels.

Community International Matúš Lovás, Zuzana Lehocká, Mária Prokop Community International Peter Svatoň

Visiguide magazine is doing exceptionally well

In the past year, we have published 392 articles, guides, glossaries, quick guides, case studies, and press releases on Visiguide. This increased organic traffic (clicks) by more than 100% in some months. 

One of our top topics was definitely the Black Friday campaign, for which we prepared educational content, such as articles, e-books, and webinars.

We want as many people as possible to know about our Visiguide magazine. We are therefore working on a creative campaign, which you will see soon.

We are pleased that we are still educating ourselves, marketers, and everyday Internet users.

We continue educating

In the past year, we have held 11 webinars, 6 Marketing Brunches, a Boost Conference on Live AI, a workshop, creative and AI sessions.

One of the most successful events was a webinar by our SEO team leader, Jar Uram, on How to work effectively with keyword analysis.

We’ve spent hours and hours educating not only ourselves but also you, and we’re still having fun doing it.

We have launched a new format of Marketing Brunches

It is a regular concept where you can experience three lectures with a tasty brunch and networking one morning at our office. The Marketing Brunch is designed for clients and other people in marketing. Last year, over 200 people attended our 6 Brunches to learn more about these topics:

  • Marketing Trends for 2023
  • Automation in marketing
  • Marketing analytics in practice
  • Strategy in marketing
  • How to prepare for the TOP season of the year
  • How to balance the SEO and UX of a company website

Scheduled lecture within Marketing Brunch Marketing Brunch at Visibility, speaker Samuel Gendiar Marketing Brunch at Visibility, cupcakes

Among the top conferences we attended were Nevyhorení and Eastern Design Conference. Our HR specialist, Denka Novotná, participated in the Nevyhoreni conference, and our graphics department regularly attends the Eastern Design Conference in Košice.

Graphic team Visibility at Eastern Design Conference

This year, we have a lot on the agenda, and we’ll have some international speakers, too!

Pro bono activities

We are most pleased when we can help someone selflessly. Last year, we worked on these lovely projects: Pomocné tlapky, Ochráň ma, NDKC a Nie Rakovine, which our idea maker Oli Minčičová also worked on: 

“Working on the project for NIERAKOVINE was a professional and a personal challenge for me. Breast cancer touches all of us, and the sooner we realize this, the more lives we can save. Seeing how many people participated in the #mirrorchallenge, I was honestly surprised by the media interest and the fact that we made it to MISS UNIVERSE with the campaign. However, all the success was only possible with significant collaboration with our client. His commitment and support allowed us the freedom to create and communicate the message effectively to the world. “

Working on a new vision

We have been working on a new corporate vision since last year. We have brainstormed and approved the ideas, and the creative team is currently working on the visual brief. We will introduce you to it later this year. 🙂

We are looking forward to building a team together

Last year, we used to meet for smaller team buildings by department. This year, we will change it up and have one big team building! Hopefully, we’ll mix it up. 🙂

The last time we saw each other was at the Christmas party at our new offices.

Visibility team at Christmas party