For a long time, the Christmas season has been associated with companies’ promotional activities, especially sales. Gifts under the tree will not buy themselves, and the ads are a frequent source of inspiration on what to please your loved ones with. However, it is also a time when we see increased activity from brands on social media. Whether it’s Facebook or Instagram, they aim to have the first Christmas ad or the funniest activity to delight their followers.We’ll show you how to delight your followers with a social media advent calendar.

Christmas on social media

Among the trends worth checking out is the advent calendar posted directly on social media. Before we get into the actual tips and ideas for the advent calendar, we need to know the answers to the fundamental questions.

What you want to achieve with the activity on social media

First, ask yourself what you want to achieve with your social media advent calendar. Do you want to attract more followers, increase awareness of a product or service, or create a fun space and encourage followers to be more active?

There is no one correct answer to this question, and all of the above objectives are relevant. Just pick one to focus on. The very design of the advent calendar depends on it. 

Take into consideration the requirements of your audience

If you communicate on social media regularly, you know what your followers like best. Whether they’re solving puzzles, answering your questions, sending photos and videos, or responding to promotional posts. Their activity and inactivity can quickly tell you what kind of calendar can be a success.

Plan in advance your posts for advent calendar

The classic advent calendar has 24 windows, behind which hides delicious chocolate. To make an online version, you need 24 unique entries. Yes, that’s a large number, so do not leave them to the last minute. Whether you concept all the posts or do the graphics on an ongoing basis, we’ll leave it up to you. For a similarly voluminous activity, don’t plan on making a post the day before, or worse – the day it’s being published.

Tips for advent calendar on social media

As we mentioned above, you need to come up with an activity that will meet several requirements:

  • It will last for 24 days,
  • it’s not annoying,
  • it will delight, entertain, or encourage sales.

Prepare giveaways

The simplest form of an advent calendar is the so-called giveaway. Choose 24 small items that your followers can win. These can be your products, partners products, or services. Each post with a giveaway will include a minor assignment that followers have to solve and write the answer in the comments. You will then draw one winner from among them.

Create something entertaining

Aim for a fun activity if you don’t want to or don’t have the option of giving away gifts. Each day, you can set up a challenge for followers to complete, whether taking a photo, making a video, or just meeting some crazy task they don’t even have to share with you. This way, you can increase your brand’s popularity and ensure followers have a nice day.

Gifts for loved ones

Owners of niche sites and businesses have an advantage in this regard. If you have multiple products in your portfolio, you can give a daily tip on a Christmas gift from your range. If you focus on baking and cooking, your followers will be delighted by the recipe tips, and those who want to keep their mind and body healthy will appreciate the overview of exercises.

The pre-Christmas period is usually saturated with all kinds of advertisements, so it is worth thinking about the entertainment and not just sales. Try to give your followers a break and surprise them on social media with an activity they love sharing.