Klára Jankechová
I have only recently set the direction of my career life. After long hesitation, I finally decided to take the route of graphic design. Ever since i could remember I have loved art, but I wanted my artwork to have a practical use and not to be just for decoration. Gradually I realized that understanding the customer is not that easy and in 2021 I decided to study marketing at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Here I joined the student council, where I am in charge of the marketing and graphic designers team. In my spare time I like to swap sedentary work for more action-oriented activities. Sometimes I do yoga, other times I like to go for a run. I also love traveling and food of all kinds.
Najnovší článok
- Hub Spot - Social media marketing
- Sem Rush - Content marketing fundamentals
Skillshop - Google ads pre obsahovú sieť
- Skillshop - Google analytics pre začiatočníkov
Google digitálna garáž