
The black-label hat SEO is used to name prohibited SEO techniques, which aim to improve positions in SERPs, but with the help of tactics that are against the rules of the search engine (usually Google). Therefore, a website that uses black hat SEO techniques can be penalized.


Black hat SEO techniques focus on improving positions with the help of activities that search engine robots like. These tactics aim not to create the highest quality content that benefits users. So their object of interest is not the site visitor but the bot.

Black hat SEO techniques do not have a long-term positive effect on the website’s position in the SERP. On the contrary, if the search engine (Google) discovers that you are violating its rules, penalties may come that will harm your rating, affecting conversions on your website.

Black hat SEO techniques include:

    • Keyword stuffing: simply put, it is the too frequent mention of a keyword on the web. For a better understanding, let’s take an example – Our e-shop sells armchairs. These armchairs are manufactured in Slovakia. If you have questions about our armchairs, email our armchair specialist:
    • Cloaking: This technique displays different content or URLs to regular visitors than search engine bots.
    • Fake structured data/rich snippets: this technique includes, for example, writing fake good reviews (usually five stars). You write your review of your product/service and praise it to the heavens.
  • Links to links from pages with irrelevant content.
  • Spamming comments.
  • Link farms: a network of websites that link to each other.
  • And others.


The opposite of black hat SEO is white hat SEO.